Taejin Park, Ph.D.

I’m a research scientist at the NASA Ames Research Center and Bay Area Environmental Research Institute within the NASA Earth Exchange (NEX) in Mountain View, CA. I completed my BS and MS education at the Korea University and my major of both BS/MS is in Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering. During the master’s program, I joined the Environmental Geopgraphic Information System and Remote Sensing Lab lead by Woo-Kyun Lee. I earned a Ph.D. in Earth and Environment (Geography) from Boston University in 2019 while working in the Remote Sensing of Vegetation and Climate Research Group advised by Ranga B. Myneni.
Research Focus
My research vision is ‘Creating actionable environmental and ecological information to make our society and ecosystem more just and sustainable’. To achieve this goal, my research uses multi-platform remote-sensing, in situ measurements, and process-based models to understand processes impacting ecosystems and works closely with end-users to make effective and impactful plans and actions. I’ve been working on two NASA funded projects: Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) and Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI). Additionally, I’ve been actively interacting with researchers in the NEX team to build a global-scale geostationary satellite product suite (GeoNEX).
Recent News
(November 2023) Our paper answering the role of human land management in global greening published in Nature Communications Earth & Environment. We used India as a simplified case and found that land surface models struggle to reproduce the greening trend and its drivers. [Paper]
(September 2023) Our paper investigating shadow effect on spectral vegetation greenness published in Nature Ecology & Evolution. Congratulations to all supportive co-authors. [Paper]
(August 2023) Our paper investigating impacts of 2-degree global warming on global land is featured in NASA [Press] and many media outlets.
Selected Publications
Park, T et al. (2023) Greening of human-dominated ecosystems in India. Nature Communications Earth & Environment, [Paper]
Zeng Y, Hao D, Park, T et al. (2023) Structural complexity biases vegetation greenness measures. Nature Ecology & Evolution, [Paper]
Park, T et al. (2022) What does global land climate look like at 2 degrees warming?. Earth’s Future, [Paper]
Piao S, Wang S, Park, T et al. (2020) Characteristics, drivers and feedbacks of global greening. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, [Paper]
Park, T et al. (2019) Changes in timing of seasonal peak photosynthetic activity in northern ecosystems. Global Change Biology, [Paper]
Chen C, Park, T et al. (2019) China and India Lead in Greening of the World through Land-use Management. Nature Sustainability, [Paper]
Park, T et al. (2016) Changes in growing season duration and productivity of northern vegetation inferred from long-term remote sensing data. Environmental Research Letters. [Paper]
Yan K, Park, T et al. (2016). Evaluation of MODIS LAI/FPAR Product Collection 6. Part 1: Consistency and Improvements. Remote Sensing. [Paper]
Yan K, Park, T et al. (2016). Evaluation of MODIS LAI/FPAR Product Collection 6. Part 2: Validation and Intercomparison. Remote Sensing. [Paper]
Park, T et al. (2014) Unconstrained approach for isolating individual trees using high-resolution aerial imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing, [Paper]
Park, T et al. (2014) Application of physically-based slope correction for maximum forest canopy height estimation using waveform lidar across different footprint sizes and locations: Tests on LVIS and GLAS. Remote Sensing, [Paper]
Latest update: 2023-12-01